
Cata Coll: "We can keep on winning"

The national team goalkeeper discussed the two matches against Denmark that await Spain in Vejle and Tenerife.

The Spanish national team head to Denmark tomorrow, where they will play the first of their two qualifiers for Euro 2025 against Denmark in Vejle (the second is in Tenerife on 4 June). Spain star Cata Coll was asked about these matches while appearing before the media at a press conference

She explained that despite the joy of having won the Champions League a few days ago, it's time to turn the page and focus on the national team's upcoming matches: ‘In football things happen very quickly. You don't realise it and you're already with the national team, but we are professional footballers, these are the times we live in and we are totally focused on these upcoming matches that can help us qualify for the European Championship’.

The goalkeeper recognises that she has had a tight playing schedule recently, but stresses that now the best part of the season is approaching with qualification for the European Championship and the Olympic Games on the horizon: ‘It's a historic event that shows Spanish football is on top. The schedule is tight, we're tired, but now comes the best part. There are two important games and then comes the Olympic Games. This is the life of a footballer, but we can keep winning and keep celebrating.

Finally, she stressed that Spain has to take each hurdle step by step and focus on the two games against Denmark before focusing on the Olympics: ‘It's inevitable to think about the Olympics but we want to qualify for the European Championships and that's the main objective. There will be time to focus on the Olympics.