
Mikel Merino, a genius behind the wheel for Spain

The midfielder, who accepts the challenge of blind driving at the Montmeló circuit, is a great Formula 1 enthusiast

At the wheel of the national team, Mikel Merino is an experienced driver who controls the game from his central position. The international player skillfully and judiciously maneuvers the ball, showcasing a privileged vision that extends beyond football. Because in addition to being a football fanatic, Mikel Merino is passionate about Formula 1 to the extent that he knows all the curves of the Championship. "I know almost all the circuits from playing on the simulator I made at home. I've been following F1 since I was a kid. I have to take a couple of laps to remember them all, but yes, I know them," says Merino.

In this context, Merino is presented with a challenge that he bravely accepts: Can he trace, blindly, the path of the Montmeló circuit in an imaginary lap? Based on what we've seen, the result is more than satisfactory, as he is a consummate specialist in the field with astonishing skills.

He was one of those who got hooked on this sport when that blue wave invaded all the circuits of the world with Fernando Alonso conquering the sky. "My memories are the same as those of the great Spanish fans. Alonso, his early years at Renault and McLaren, Ferrari... All the joyful afternoons that 'Nano' has given us as a kid fill you up, and we still support him."

On weekends, Merino manages to watch the races, always with his tablet in hand to not miss any details: "Whenever I can, I try to watch Formula 1. Usually, we have concentration or a match on the same day. I bring my iPad and try to watch everything from qualifying to the races to support the Spaniards, of course."

This season, Alonso has returned to the champagne, his progress with Aston Martin being exciting. Merino is one of those who dreams of 33. "Hopefully. For that, a couple of cars need to have issues. But the good thing is that Fernando usually doesn't fail and is always ready to pounce if others make mistakes." The 33rd victory, for those who are not up to date, would be Alonso's next win in the F1 World Championship.

This 2023 World Championship has a clear favorite even though there's still an eternity left. "This year it's clear that Max Verstappen is the favorite. I'm satisfied as long as the Spaniards achieve good positions, and I'm sure that next season we'll get excited again and... Go for the third!" Of course, the third World Championship for Alonso, a genius behind the wheel, just like Mikel Merino leading the national team.