21 May 2024

Official Spain-Andorra match presentation in Badajoz

The match will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Extremadura Football Federation and is being played with the full support of the Regional Government of Extremadura and Badajoz City Council.


On 5 June, the Spanish national football team are set to face Andorra at the Nuevo Vivero stadium in Badajoz. To mark the occasion the cloistered Palacio de la Presidencia of the Junta de Extremadura, in Mérida, Badajoz, hosted the official match event on Tuesday. The match, which will be a key part of the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Extremadura Football Federation, has been organised with the backing of the Regional Government of Extremadura and the Badajoz City Council. 


As such, this morning's event was attended by the Minister for Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sport of the Regional Government of Extremadura, Victoria Bazaga Gazapo; and the Councillor for Sports of Badajoz City Council, Juan Parejo Fernández. On behalf of the RFEF, its vice-president Pablo Lozano spoke at the event; and the president of the Management Committee of the Extremadura Football Federation, Ángeles Aguilera Rangel, represented the regional federation. 

Victoria Bazaga, from the Regional Government of Extremadura, recalled the other five occasions on which the national team has played in Extremadura, and highlighted the that her regional government gives to sport, explaining that it is ‘a crucial tool for the social and economic development of our region’. Hence, as she recalled, the Junta is committed to sports and the tourism it brings as a source of wealth for its municipalities. "In Extremadura we have been able to take advantage of the values of sport to build a stronger and more cohesive society," she said, before reaffirming the commitment to hosting top level sporting events. ‘For the Junta, the promotion of sport and the promotion of sports events are priorities’, emphasised Bazaga, before concluding.


The councillor responsible for Sports in Badajoz, Juan Parejo, apologised for the absence of the mayor of Badajoz, Ignacio Grajera, for work reasons. He highlighted the hard work carried out ‘side by side’ with the Extremadura Sports Federation; and indicated that the Spain-Andorra match ‘is a great boost’ for his city. The most populated city in Extremadura, as he himself recalled, will once again welcome the national team and is ready to host sporting events ‘of the very highest level’, such as a match of this standing.

‘Celebrating the centenary of the Extremadura Federation is both a great milestone and a great challenge’, said Parejo, before recalling that all the occasions Spain have played in Badajoz have been a success.



The president of the Management Committee of the Extremadura Football Federation, Ángeles Aguilera, recalled the ‘100 years of work and passion’ within the organisation, which has been a fundamental support and pillar in the development of football in the region. ‘This tribute that the national team is paying to football in Extremadura will be the first of a series of events’, she said, ‘that will highlight all the people and organisations that have promoted football in Extremadura over the years’.

Aguilera thanked the Junta de Extremadura and Badajoz City Council for their support, and of course the RFEF ‘for their collaboration and backing’ only ‘ten days before the start of a European Championships that we hope will bring many joys’, said Ángeles Aguilera, adding that she hopes the national team ‘will find their talisman in the Spanish fans’.



Pablo Lozano, vice-president of the RFEF, concluded the round of speeches, thanking ‘the Extremadura football family’ for the welcome the National Team have received. He also thanked the president of the institution, Pedro Rocha, who was absent due to work commitments, saying ‘his heart is here, in his homeland’, said Lozano.

The vice-president of the RFEF highlighted the ‘support for football’ from the Extremadura institutions and highlighted the value of the match on 5 June. ‘With this match, the RFEF recognises and thanks the work of thousands of people at the forefront of football in Extremadura over the last 100 years; the people who make it possible for children and young people to not only play the sport of their dreams, but also to be educated as people in magnificent values of sport’, reflected Pablo Lozano.



Starting the Euro 2024 training camp in Extremadura means, according to Lozano, ‘choosing a wonderful place where people fight to achieve their dreams; and I am convinced that in Badajoz the dreams of all Spaniards will be born’, concluded Pablo Lozano when referring to the tournament that will be played in Germany.