
Vicky López's most important match

The player is finishing her preparations for her university entrance exam at the same time as training with the Spanish national team and will not be available for the second match against Denmark

Not only is the Spanish National Team concerned with the football development of the national team players, but also with the personal and educational development of each member. Starting from the lower age categories, the Spanish setup allocates time to the up-and-coming stars to continue with their academic studies with teachers working alongside their football training in the youth categories. That being said, the case of Vicky López is even more special, as she has risen up through the footballing ranks so quickly that she has to study at the same time as playing for the senior national team.

As such, the national team has given her all that she needs in order for her to arrive at the exam hall  with the best possible preparation for the university entrance exam that she is due to sit in just a few days. A vital part of her all round development will not only be on the pitch, but academic success will be one of her most important challenges for the future. For this reason, the coach, Montse Tomé, has released Vicky from the squad to play the second Euro 2025 qualifier against Denmark. Vicky recognises that she would have liked to study a degree like pharmacology, but due to her special sporting circumstances, her intention is to study Business Administration and Management at university. In this way, the player is preparing herself at the beginning of her football career for what may come after that, although we all hope there are still many years to go before she needs to work in any sector that does not involve kicking a ball.