09 January 2024

Montse Tomé kicks off RFEF training for female coaches in Arabia

As part of the "Football is the way" initiative, launched coinciding with the start of the Spanish Super Cup, Tomé has taken the model that made Spain world champions to Jeddah and highlights the importance of sharing experiences in order to advance both on the pitch and socially.

The national coach Montse Tomé has been in charge of launching the initiatives that the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) has taken to Arabia to mark the start of the Spanish Super Cup to promote women's football and advance equality. Under the title of the campaign "Football is the way" #Footballiscoming, several initiatives are being carried out in pursuit of this objective, all of which began today in Jeddah.

Tomé considered it vital to be able to support the training of new female coaches with a successful reference model, such as the Spanish national teams, which can help them in the present and in the future. In her opinion, sharing experiences is enriching and she wanted to detail the importance of being able to transmit to the players what she feels as a coach in person.

"Football transmits great values. It's positive that here in Arabia there has been a women's league for a year now and that the senior team is present. These coaches have role models and you feel the responsibility of being a role model for many people who look up to you as the national team," she said.

For their part, the coaches also shared their experiences and have shown maximum interest in the Spanish national team. This is the case of Teif Ibrahim, who is currently in the middle of her training process, she stressed that women's football "is something very big and now many things are changing in Arabia". 

Members of his coaching staff and the training department have also provided their full support for this first meeting with women footballers. The next one will be in Riyadh on 12 January, where they will also have the chance to listen to a motivational talk from Olympic champion Thais Hernández.

Previously, on 11 January, in the second semi-final, women who represent football in this country will take part in the so-called Executive Box 0 of women's football, also organised by the Department of Equality and Sustainability, with the intention to make this progress and the social change it represents more visible.