18 May 2024

Pedro Rocha: ‘Football must prevail’

The president of the RFEF values the measures adopted during the 74th FIFA Congress very positively: ‘We have complete support here’.


After four days of meetings and intense work in Bangkok, the president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation has completed the week's agenda in the Thai capital with his participation in the 74th FIFA Congress.

Pedro Rocha's assessment of the measures approved during the meeting of the 211 member federations is what he refers to as ‘very positive and interesting for world football, such as everything related to the fight against racism. This is a very sensitive issue that must be tackled, as the RFEF itself has been doing’.

The choice of Brazil as the host country for the next Women's World Cup was another of the transcendental decisions made at the Congress, and the RFEF president wishes to ‘personally congratulate the successful bid. We will have to travel there as world champions and show that we are the best’.

Meetings with the various heads of the different federations about the joint bid for the 2030 World Cup, as well as meetings with the presidents of UEFA and FIFA have taken up part of Pedro Rocha's work in the Thai capital, where ‘we have felt the full support of both UEFA and FIFA. Aleksander Čeferin and Gianni Infantino are football people and I believe that at this time, football must prevail above all else” he concluded.