20 November 2023

The battle against bullying was also a winner in Valladolid

Football is doing its bit to contribute towards fighting for this vital cause, giving increased visibility through the Executive Box 0 initiative where children who fight against bullying were invited. Today, with it being International Children's Day, the RFEF wants to reiterate its support for initiatives that seek to protect minors from bullying.

The national team's satisfaction from the victory against Georgia and their qualification for the European Championships as top seeds was enhanced yesterday by another triumph: that of the raising awareness of the fight against bullying publicity campaign that took place at the José Zorrilla stadium.

The Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) wanted to take a step in denouncing bullying and supporting the victims of this social problem and launched the so-called "Executive Box 0 against bullying", which invited children who are an example for others to avoid bullying as well as people who have suffered it and even influencers who are supporting this cause to attend the specially reserved area in the stands.

In this way, the protagonists of this initiative were pupils from the Virgen Niña school in Valladolid, a school which has implemented the T.E.I. (anti-harassment plan) bullying prevention programme; young autistic people, of which 71% report being the victims of bullying; and the influencer Chiqui Ibai, who wanted to support this cause. .


In addition, the campaign "Football against bullying. Support them, report it" was projected in the stadium and was pushed to raise social awareness of this scourge.

The Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) has thus shown its commitment to social causes and shows its support for sport helping in the development of children, on a special day such as today, 20 November, which is celebrated as International Children's Day.

The RFEF's initiatives to raise awareness through football

Executive Box 0 is one of the initiatives that the Federation has launched, with the support of UEFA, to focus on issues of social responsibility. Thus, the Department of Equality, Social Responsibility and Sustainability has so far developed several of these initiatives at both men’s and women’s national team matches. Among them, the Executive Box 0 in support of Ukraine or the Executive Box 0 for Autism.

In addition, Valladolid once again demonstrated progress in other aspects that make football a driver of inclusion. This is the case of the narration for the visually impaired, which was again available to be enjoyed in this Spain-Georgia match; or the moment before the start of the match, in which volunteers from the ONCE Foundation helped in the work of setting up the central canvas. This last initiative has been repeated at national team matches since March 2022.